He Thinks He’s Funny | I Don’t and here is why.
We Don’t!
The bellicose saber rattling that surrounds Iran is far more serious than political name calling. With this administration, with Dick Cheney’s vision of what the world should be and the self-ordained right of decision making as to how many lives, American and others, he can consign to graves in the achievement of his goals, his vision; the issue is frightening.
That some American’s can accept with resignation that at strike at Iran is inevitable and then go about their daily lives as though such an action will have no consequences for them “personally” is a demonstration of just how thick and suffocating the layers of administration paint of indifference and impotence have become.
Attacking Iran, under the blood stained covering blanket of , now accepted terminology, “A Preemptive Surgical Strike”, be it by the United States or Israel, (it will make no difference in the eyes of Iran or the world as the accepted concession of fact is that the deed will not be done except as mutual agreement exists), based upon fuzzy propagandized intelligence, war mongering assumptions, Neocon bravado bolstered by the conviction that the American electorate is so anesthetized that they will do nothing but complain a bit until the full weight of such an action hit home like a sledge hammer and then it will be too late.
Such actions are premises on the frailty of human calculations and human assumptions which we have found to be flawed time and time again in the Middle East, simply because we do not have a genuine understanding of the cultural fabric of those people.
We act upon a logic framework of a “Western Power”, western values and Cheney acts with a totally sociopathic compass, a perfect combination for disaster.
The facts are very simple. Iran will not be struck without striking back. They will not simply absorb the attack and complain to the United Nations. If they strike Israel the conflict will escalate in retaliation. We are vulnerable on the water and be struck at great cost. The very suggestion of Iran closing the “Oil Strait” will escalate the acts of war. A strike at Iran could well ignite a Mid East firestorm that escalates into a full scale World War III with very real nuclear consequences, necessitating the reinstatement of an American Draft in the name of a Patriotic War of Defense and survival.
There are those to whom that is an acceptable risk, an acceptable outcome. They will not be fighting. They will be planning the new World Order, contemplating the fortunes to be made in the reconstruction following the conflagration. The Military Industrial complex will flourish; employment will burgeon; fear will drive Americans support and effort and countless number of innocent puppet lives will be squandered.
Will America; Will the World then awakened or will this be simply recorded as yet another very dark page in the history of man’s inhumanity to his fellow beings?
No this is not funny, and John McCain is not funny!
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